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  • Writer's picturemuhtasham shah

The Choice of Connoisseurs

ames Craven, a Perfume expert once said, “Perfume is an artificial creation and a metropolitan art form. It was urbanized millennia ago as a devout object – a sacred fixture of the temple and the king’s court. Scents have always been at the center of things – at the heart of the posh, a luxury of those in command; ergo, the town and city dwellers.”

Philosophically, Life is about experiences and a worthy fragrance sure gives you one. The intense encounters that relish your mind – the instant when a visitor enters an elevator or brushes past on the street, you are left with the subtle yet enticing scent of their perfume. It is an enduring moment, a magical one, one that colludes with your senses and has you feeling swept away in the person’s presence long after they have left. They leave you mystified and kindle the quest on the journey of your unique perfume or cologne to do just the same — leave an impression.

Nevertheless, as soon as you start exploring the options, you realize the worthy ones, the Elite ones, the crème-de-la-crème are expensive than the non-designer brands. What if you did not have to burn a hole in your pocket to elude richness?

Did I get your attention? Well!! Tadaa!!!! Introducing the Club De Nuit Series by ARMAF. When we originally got into the perfume game, we too pondered on the WHYs of the affordability. There has to be a concrete motive why some perfumes cost so much more than others and well there are!! The Club De Nuit perfume series was designed to cater to the elite tastes of the countless. A perfume that bewitches your senses leaving you feel exclusive. The Club De Nuit saga is a range that caters to both genders for its exceptionality and ranks highest amongst the users in UAE.

Notice how simple it can be to realize your personal choices into fragrances from the Club De Nuit collection and communicate immediately & emotionally. Make your experience unforgettable with a unique identity as a Club De Nuit Pride collector. All you need to do is choosing one of the exclusive fragrances prepared by a team of expert perfumers that converses with the latest trends. Finding your essence with a unique YOU has never been so simple!

Let us make it easier for you to try one, for the best Club De Nuit perfumes for sale in UAE, visit

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